Homeschooling While Running a Business


When I look back on the last twelve years, it seems like a blur.

When I started homeschooling my four children, I was an overwhelmed mama, with a baby on my lap questioning if her children were getting everything they needed.

If I could go back, I would tell myself to stay in the moment and allow myself more grace.

I would share a glimpse into the future of my oldest son walking across the graduation stage to fight back the fear of missing out and imposter syndrome. I was on the right path.

I would share the excitement of how this life experience would not only influence my business but make a greater impact in the world and the community of women I serve.

I would reassure myself that ABSOLUTELY 100% homeschooling the children was the best decision we would ever make for our family.

There is nothing that a determined woman won’t do to accomplish her goals.

I love my one room school house and that my children have literally grown up together.

Is every day a bed of roses?


For me, jammy days, finishing early, music breaks, and hanging out with our dogs Phil, Mabel, and Buddy are memories I will always cherish.

First and foremost, I am a homeschooling mom while running a business.

Quotable Quotes:

Things done by halves are never done right.

It takes you longer to complain about doing the job than just doing the job!

Links mentioned in today’s episode:

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